Crisis Intervention Partners Training


Crisis Intervention Partners (CIP) training is a 16 hour training modeled after the training component of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) programs. CIP is designed for wide-ranging audiences interested in better understanding and improving interactions with people who experience mental health crises. Participants include correctional officers, 911 dispatchers, emergency personnel, hospital staff, teachers, social workers, and more.

Through information and practice, CIP is re-training participants to effectively use attitudes, beliefs, and verbal/non verbal skills as part of their response to crisis situations.


What are the Benefits of CIP?

  1. Basic education on human development & the impact of trauma
  2. Overview of various mental illnesses (symptoms, treatments)
  3. Presentation & discussion with individuals living with mental illness
  4. Education on safe, effective crisis de-escalation and active listening skills
  5. Self-care, building of support networks, and resiliency
  6. Interactive role-plays on crisis de-escalation with feedback from trainers
  7. NAMI Wisconsin's Hearing Voices Simulation of auditory hallucinations
  8. Suicide Prevention presentation such as QPR

CIP Philosophy

CIP programs build ongoing partnerships between first responders, advocacy, mental health, and other community stakeholders. This requires participation and leadership from local direct service agencies, NAMI affiliates, advocacy groups, peers & family members, criminal justice entities, providers, educators, practitioners.

Bringing CIP & Crisis Intervention Team To Your Community

CIT & CIP is more than just trainings; it is a community initiative built on long lasting and evolving partnerships based on mutual goals.

Coordinating CIT & CIP trainings annually is a huge collaborative effort that begins and ends within your community and is based off mutual partnerships. These partnerships include mental healthcare providers, law enforcement, local NAMI affiliates, family members and consumers, local advocates, and other key community stakeholders. By bringing together these key community partners, various areas are represented and reached, meeting the the unique needs of individual communities. In doing so, your community can begin the conversation about adapting the philosophy of CIT & CIP.

Here is a calendar of statewide CIT and CIP trainings, and information about financial support for law enforcement departments: CIT & CIP Training Calendar - NAMI Wisconsin